Thursday, February 19, 2009

Insight into God's purposes

I would encourage anyone interested in understanding more of what is happening behind the scenes in current events to these sites:
Scott Webster Ministries
Scott is on the Apostolic Core Leadership Team of the Kingdom Community Network of Congress WBN. He also heads the Atlanta Embassy of Elijah Center. Elijah Center, based in Trinidad, is the creative core of Congress WBN. Scott publishes a newsletter that gives insight of the underlying philosophies and mentalities that drive the events in society and how we must realign our hearts with God's principles to establish His rulership in our lives and the earth as a whole.

ICA is a financial and geo-political consultant company that offers a wealth of resources concerning current events. They have daily news briefings, a weekly audio commentary, and monthly newsletter.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Indians in South, Central America

Here are some links to news stories of struggles of some indians in South and Central America about which I want to research more for a current update:
Nasa Indians

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Community web page

I found this on the web page of a Kingdom Community which is part of the Congress WBN:
"At TC, we see ourselves as a part of the “global church” which is not limited by geographical or geopolitical boundaries. We are a people who desire to develop a correct global perspective that empowers us to become a portal of divine activity into whatever nation within which God desires us to build. Our globalness also allows us to build seamlessly between our community, the communities within PTWN, and our affiliation with Congress-WBN."
I thought this was very interesting. It stirs my heart with the vision of God's purpose. Here is the page:
The Community
You can visit them if you are ever in NW Arkansas.